Years ago, I had a friend who would say, “Don’t Talk About it, Be About It.” I never forgot that phrase because it was a reminder that when it coms to making your dreams come true, action is everything! We all know people who are constantly talking about starting a business, going back to school to finish a degree or even running a marathon. Even though they have the purest intentions, they somehow stay stuck in the “never-never land” of goals and dreams. Anyone can dream and wish and plan and prepare but it’s not until you take action that you move the needle towards your goals and dreams.

It is a simple truth that I lose sight of from time to time. During my life’s journey, I have come to embrace the art of action. Here are some insights that have helped me along the way:

  1. Be clear about whether your goal or dream is a wish or a want: If you have had the same recycled new year’s resolutions year after year, be honest with yourself. Is this something you are really willing to work for? Perfect example: I have often said that I wish I could sing well. But I’ve never taken voice lessons or done anything to help me achieve that goal. Therefore, it’s a wish, not a true want. If I REALLY wanted to be a great singer, I would work my ass off to make it happen. Search you soul and determine if your goals and dreams are your heart’s desire. If not, scratch it off your list.


  1. Give Yourself a Limit to How Long You’ll Plan/Research/Brainstorm: Staying in the “over thinking” stage for too long will lull you into a false sense of comfort. And as we know, nothing ever happens in the comfort zone. Be disciplined and give yourself a set limit of time limit to prepare and then make yourself a promise to “go live” on that designated date. Honor your promise to yourself and make it non-negotiable!


  1. You’ll gain momentum when you take action: There is nothing like taking the first step to your goals and dreams. Even if it’s a small action, it’s better than staying stagnant. Action is addictive. Make one small step and it will motivate you to make another……and another…..and another. And before you know it, you’re making significant strides towards your goals and dreams.


  1. Embrace Mistakes: Like myself, most people don’t take action because they are afraid that they are going to make a mistake or look foolish. But mistakes are critical to progression, especially if you learn from them and course correct.

In essence, we are approaching the final quarter of the year. How many goals and dreams have been on pause? It’s not too late. Brendon Burchard said, “I would rather be a hot mess of bold action, a make-it-happen-learn-on-the-fly kind of person, than a perfectly organized coward”. I agree, Brendon. Take action and carpe the hell out of that diem!