The Other Woman – Part II

I’m no stranger to being cheated on. I understand the immediate betrayal and hurt as well as the deep need to blame any and everyone involved but here are some simple but overlooked truths: YOUR PARTNER MADE A COMMITMENT TO YOU. THE OTHER WOMAN DID NOT.YOU PARTNER IS...

The Other Woman-Part I

Recently, Nicole Murphy, model, fitness expert and ex-wife Eddie Murphy, was caught on camera kissing married Antoine Fuqua.  In pure pop culture fashion, the photo and news spread like wildfire, triggering a variety of thoughts, opinions and possibly some...
Submission vs. Partnership: The Hierarchy of Love

Submission vs. Partnership: The Hierarchy of Love

Recently, R&B artist Fantasia inspired a lot of conversation and debate around her perspective that women need to be let the man be the head of the household. She went on to say that we often lose men because we’re trying to be the man in the relationship, instead...


Not long ago, an ex reached out to me. He typically reaches out once or twice a year and I never respond. My relationship with and departure from this particular ex was one that was life-changing due to the volatile and deleterious nature of the relationship. We...