I hope that you’re enjoying all the good tidings and cheer the season brings. I hope that during this “finish strong” end-of-the-year grind, you are also allowing yourself some rest … and reflection.

As we all reflect and begin to prepare to glide into a brand new year, you will likely think of what you want 2021 to look like. You may have a fresh vision for what you want to achieve in the new year or you may also consider repurposing 2020’s new year resolutions.
Whether we call them resolutions, intentions, manifestations, or goals, don’t forget that fulfilling them requires some “quid pro quo.” In other words, you have to give something to get something. You have to leave something behind in order to gain something.
- Want to be an early riser? You may have to give up staying awake until midnight binging The Office.
- Want to read more books in 2021? You might have to give up some movie time to accomplish this OR you may have to consider investing in Audible so that you can get through books during your commute or while you’re working out.
- Want to drink more water? You’ll have to give up your 3-Pepsi-a-day routine.
- Want a healthier, happier relationship? Well, you already know what I’m going to say … if you’ve done all you can do, it might be time to think about saying “goodbye.”
Nine times out of ten, the things we need to give up are connected to an expired mindset, habit, or belief. So it makes sense to take an inside-out approach by transforming said expired mindset, habit or belief BEFORE you dive into your 2021 achievements.
So, my friend, I ask you, what expired habits, mindsets, and beliefs will you leave behind as you advance towards your resolutions, intentions, manifestations, or goals?
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